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Yesterday, after being a zombie all day, thanks to my lack of sleep,I finally arrived to my dorm. It´s OK to go to class without having slept a lot because you´ve been partying , well except for the hangover part, and in my case, the clumsiness; but it is plain sad, when you spent all night counting sheep and the drops of rain that fought to be the first to click on my window.

Of course, I should have been doing some homework but I didn´t feel mentally capable enough to do it. So instead, I talked to my roomies and checked my email inbox.

It was a surprise when I stumbled upon a message which title was 15 weird Scholarships. At this point of the game, I should know that I should flee to the other direction when I come across the “w” word, but what can I say, I love a little bit of adventure, and a dose of spice in my life. So I opened it, and found the Holy Grail of  Scholarships. So if you know how  to speak the Klingon dialect (no clue, enlightenment in this matter would be highly appreciated), or you´ve always felt clothed-challenged, you can embrace your inner nudist and receive a scholarship for it!, and  last, but not least, duck whisperer. Yes, you heard correctly, you can receive 2000 $ if you know how to entice with your prose and delight the ears of a duck ( do they even have ears?).

When I was a young puppy, with pigtails and covered in freckles, I dreamed , as most ladies did at a time, with prince charming and with a happily forever after type of end. Well, now I see myself as a future duck whisperer, I can tell you that I am not entirely happy with this situation, but what can I say, this are difficult times, and a girl has to do what she has to do.

PD: If you are thinking of applying (if  the answer is a yes, I want to see the pictures!), or just want to have a laugh, here is the link : http://www.fastweb.com/college-scholarships/articles/2859-15-weird-scholarships?page=1